Staying Organized During Online and Blended Learning

Has this ever happened to you? Your child has a large homework assignment or project due tomorrow. He has yet to start. Worse, he can’t even give you many specifics on what the assignment is supposed to be. You spend about half an hour searching through his backpack, which is full of loose papers (some of which seem to be past homework assignments that were never turned in…), broken pencils, toys, and perhaps a moldy orange or banana, but you cannot find the sheet from the teacher that lays out those needed details for the assignment. Curiously, his glasses that he wears only in school do not seem to be in the backpack. At that point, you end up having to reach out to the parents of another student in the class. You’re both exhausted. But he still hasn’t even started working on the assignment… If you’ve had this experience, or perhaps your child has often failed to bring home textbooks, forgotten to turn in assignments that he had completed, or left multiple jackets, lunchboxes, hats, and, yes, even pairs of prescription glasses at school, you may welcome online or blended learning. Indeed, there are certain advantages. All homework assignments are online, so no missing rubrics or situations where your child has failed to copy down the homework assignment from the board. For 100% virtual learning, there is no need to take things to and from school, which means no lost jackets or moldy fruit. But for students with ADHD or other “executive functioning challenges,” is this really the utopia we’ve been waiting for?

4 Podcasts about Mental Health to Help Heal Your Mind

In trying times, sorting through your thoughts and emotions can be hard. If you are looking for help, there is no substitute for professional treatment and medical intervention. A self-care podcast may provide supplemental support. There are many programs that guide audiences through meditations, take them into psychologists’ offices or share conversations with experts on mental well-being. These four podcasts might help you reflect on your feelings or simply provide insights about mental health and the human psyche you didn’t know before.

Remote Learning’s Distractions Put Extra Pressure On Students With ADHD

COVID-19 forced Keriann Wilmot’s son to trade his classroom for a computer. It was a tough transition for a 10-year-old with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. “It was a different environment for him,” Wilmot says. “He wasn’t used to this kind of work from school coming in the format of an email in his Chromebook every single day.” Her son would avoid math and writing and instead go straight to his favorite subjects: science and social studies. But even then, online assignments could be a problem. “There might be something when he opened it that was like a really pretty PDF that had lots of beautiful illustrations and fonts,” Wilmot says. “And he would look at it and just get overwhelmed and shut the laptop and walk away.

Pandemic Hurts College Students’ Mental Health

“Sixty percent of college students say the pandemic has made it harder to access mental health care, even as financial stresses and prevalence of depression increased among them, according to a new survey on the impact of COVID-19 on student well-being. The survey by the Healthy Minds Network for Research on Adolescent and Young Adult Mental Health and […]

Helping Kids Get Used to Masks

In many places, people are wearing masks or cloth face coverings when they’re in public because of coronavirus (COVID-19). It’s an important way to help slow the spread of the virus. At first, it was mostly doctors, nurses, and others in health care settings who wore masks. But now, as other people  wear them, more and more kids […]

Peculiarities of the pandemic are trigger points for eating disorders

“A Western Sydney University mental health expert, Professor Phillipa Hay, has shed light on the ongoing, traumatic effects of COVID-19 for people living with eating disorders. Professor Phillipa Hay is Chair of Mental Health within the University’s Translational Health Research Institute (THRI) and School of Medicine. In a recent edition of the Journal of Eating Disorders, […]

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